Lost: 1.9 million jobs
The 2008 tally soars after payrolls shrink by 533,000 in November, the biggest one-month decline in nearly 34 years. Unemployment soars to 6.7%.
The economy shed 533,000 jobs in November, according to a government report Friday - bringing the year's total job losses to 1.9 million.November had the largest monthly job loss total since December 1974.
General Motors to cut 2,000 more jobs
As the U.S. auto industry takes a beating on plunging car sales, the automaker says it will lay off more factory workers.
Avis cuts 2,200 jobs
Car rental company Avis Budget Group Inc. said Thursday that it has cut more than 2,200 jobs and taken other steps to meet its goal of reducing annual costs by $150 million to $200 million by the middle of 2009.SEE MY ASTRO VIEWS ON JOB CUTS IN MY PREVIOUS ARITICLES.
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