ON 15Th evening about 15hrs to 15:30 hrs(IST) Mars conjunction with Uranus.
on 17th night Venus turn into direct motion.and conjunction with Mars&Uranus.Venus-Pluto square aspect will continue.
On 15th - Sun sextile with Neptune .
On 17th - Venus turns into direct&conjunction with uranus.
On 20th - Sun enters in Taurus,& sun trine aspects with Pluto.
On 20th - Mercury square with Jupiter & mercury trine with Saturn(R).
On 22nd - Mars enters in Aries.Square with Pluto.
On 23rd - Sun exact trine with Pluto
On 24th - Venus enters in Aries again .conjunction with Mars & square with Pluto
On 24th - Mercury Sextile Uranus & Sun square with North Node
On 25th - New Moon
On 26th - Mercury Square Neptune
My views :
I am expecting a major effect on world stock markets again.
The world markets trend will be changes in this period.
Most of the above aspects are not good for financial markets.as well as earthly matters.
Gold Price will be move up in this time. Crude prices may faces heavy fluctuations.
Disclaimer:- Any decisions in financial markets are solely the responsibility of the reader, and neither the author nor the publishers assume any responsibility at all for those individual decisions.